Browse the cards:
Card Catalogue
Search the cards:
Card Catalogue
 WebIPAC2024 Version 2.6.1 (S27VM)
The first place to look for Library holdings is
Library Search
Search here for items acquired by the University of Bristol before 1978 which have not yet been
included in the main Library Search.
You have two options in the left hand menu:
1. Choose 'Browse the cards' to browse scanned images of catalogue cards.
The Browse function replicates the original card catalogue.
2. Choose 'Search the cards' to search the full-text of the cards
Store: to request an item from the Library Store, please note the store number and enquire at the Issue Counter.
Please note: we have ongoing programmes of retrospective catalogue conversion. As information is
added to
Library Search,
it will be removed from Card Catalogue Online. The original card catalogue in the
Arts and Social Sciences Library is no longer available.
The Card Catalogue Online is maintained by the
University Library,
University of Bristol,
Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TJ, UK - Tel: +44(0)117 928 8000